This week, idiocy in the parking lot, half-naked women at Target, making fun of the evil GPS robot, our self-flagellating follower, sticker shock at Babystyle, creeptastic baby bikinis, the home of the 19", 3 lb pizza, Tiger Woods, EBGames clerks butt into our conversations, the inability to turn over tables, and the infamous Fung Wah Bus.
"Beaches" by Aloud, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network
Intro Music: "Pocketbook" by Derek K Miller
Outro Music: "Remember Hope" by Farewell Redemption
Our New Blog at Loopipes.com
Podcasts Mentioned:
Love Long and Prosper
Barely Podcasting
Life on Tap
Geek Acres
Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England
Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at|gmail.com or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)!
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-- posted at: 11:42pm EST