Fri, 18 December 2009
Listen now or subscribe to the podcast feed! This week, ScottyJ joins us once again, Maureen watches Jersey Shore so you don't have to, the zombie food court, we discover the glory that is Buffalo Wild Wings, our MacBook bites the dust, and New Super Mario Bros Wii. Music: Podcasts Mentioned: Big thanks to Becky at Podcast Designs for our spiffy new album art! Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Wed, 18 November 2009
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This week, we swear off McDonalds (again), Steve loses some weight. Bex takes up a raw food diet, we take a small step toward being an unintentional hippie household, the reason LA is abbreviated, and Lego Rock Band.
Podcasts Mentioned: Big thanks to Becky at Podcast Designs for our spiffy new album art! Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 26 October 2009
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This week, ScottyJ joins us for our somewhat triumphant return after too long, Scott gushes about his car from the future, Steve doesn't like anything, World of Warcraft soda vs. Jolly Rancher soda, inappropriate tweeting, the singularity, turkeys and cats, Happy to Help!, and The Beatles: Rock Band.
Podcasts Mentioned: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 21 July 2009
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This week, we have some babies, buy a minivan, and otherwise catch up on the last three months.
Podcasts Mentioned: Big thanks to Becky at Podcast Designs for our spiffy new album art! Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 21 April 2009
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This week, we find a new Wild Willy's, complete with impromptu child star quizzes. Bex does her best LOLCat impression. We ponder the disturbing proliferation of massage parlors at the Natick Collection. An update on the Great Minivan Hunting Expedition. And we travel into anachronism and long subtitles with Penny Arcade: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode 1.
Podcasts Mentioned: Big thanks to Becky at Podcast Designs for our spiffy new album art! Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sun, 22 March 2009
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This week, Bex runs laps in her crib. We take the battle of the inappropriate sound clips to a new level. Babies R Us lets Maureen know that she can add her baby daddy to the baby registry. Steve encounters the infamous scorpion sucker. We find the Best. Cookies. Ever. Sesame Street and the iPod Touch bail us out. We continue to be amazed by New England drivers. And Steve gets beaten by twelve year olds online in Street Fighter IV.
Podcasts Mentioned: Big thanks to Becky at Podcast Designs for our spiffy new album art! Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Thu, 26 February 2009
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Big thanks to Becky at Podcast Designs for our spiffy new album art! This week, we go to the first of many bonus ultrasounds. Steve gets an iPod Touch, which is immediately used against him. Bex pleads for halp at Quizno's. We get free burritos at Chipotle. This is why you're fat. And we answer a metric ton of voicemails.
Podcasts Mentioned: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 9 February 2009
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NOTE: Our apologies for some audio issues - We didn't catch them ahead of time and re-recording was not an option. We'd rather share this episode with you as it is than go another month without one! An explanation for our absence (and is it a doozy). We address smears against our character related to In-N-Out Burger. A slight freak out about minivans. We discover Five Guys burgers. Bex does a Pac-Man impression. Karen from PediaScribe rocks. And so does Left 4 Dead.
Podcasts Mentioned: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Thu, 18 December 2008
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ScottyJ joins us. The beatings commence immediately. An ice storm knocks out the power at TC Lando's. We butcher Love Long and Prosper's Foodcast theme. We get marinara sauce with jalapeno poppers. Scott ventures into Bex goes on a photo shoot. We rock out in both Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2. And we tour the world with Michael Palin.
Music: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Thu, 11 December 2008
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This week, misadventures in parenting at the mall, buh-bye to Club Libby Lu, farewell to Fatburger, Bex discovers pie, the best plastic horse ever, and Animal Crossing.
Podcasts Mentioned: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Thu, 13 November 2008
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This week, chaos at Babies 'R' Us, the cookie touch, wasting money at Burger King, we finally get FiOS, adventures in false advertising, Boston's first American Girl store, the best scarf ever, The IT Crowd, Fable 2, and our famous Mexican fast food shootout.
Podcasts Mentioned: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 14 October 2008
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This week, a new addition to the family (relax, it's not that exciting), another adventure in retail mediocrity at Gamestop, the best video game store ever, the tragedy of the broken sink, abandoned at Friendly's, an inappropriate puzzle, and Beautiful Katamari.
Podcasts Mentioned: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 23 September 2008
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This week, Wall-E addiction, Adam and Eve-a, Star Wars fail, Chipotle tsetse flies, Domino's goes back on the list, bad parenting at the dollar store, and Viva Pinata: Pockert Paradise .
Podcasts Mentioned: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 8 September 2008
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This week, our regional Patriotic tragedy. book bribery, the shortest drag race ever at the grocery store, advice on keeping milk cold, swim lessons, 90210, and Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People.
Podcasts Mentioned: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 2 September 2008
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This week, podcasting legend ScottyJ joins us to discuss the mind poison of Baby SIgning Time, Murray from Sesame Street crosses the line, perpy e-mails from Beech-Nut, inappropriate discussions at Outback, everything's big at BJ's except the drink refills, clothes in the road, Moe's redeems itself, Chocolatier: The Great Chocolate Chase, Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay, Michael Palin's Around the World in 80 Days, and Boston Harbor Cruises.
Music: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 18 August 2008
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This week, healthy restaurant fail, the British Beer Company, recalled beef samples, road dogs, and Order Up. Plus, bonus time-shifted Olympic marathon coverage!
Music: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 21 July 2008
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This week, fail vs EPIC FAIL, inappropriate helpfulness, kids eat free (restrictions may apply), a restroom mystery, the iPhone launch from a non-buyer's perspective, taking Wii Fit seriously, we're inadvertent becoming a snobby organic family, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, Rock Band Track Pack Volume 1, and a final resolution to our ongoing Domino's saga.
Podcasts/Sites Mentioned: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sat, 5 July 2008
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This week, stepping out in our wedding best, Bex discovers Jamba Juice, WALL-E, our no good horrible, very bad day, game for PC and The Office.
Podcasts/Sites Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Wed, 25 June 2008
This week, Bex's first birthday party is welcomed to Moe's, there's not even enough leg room on the plane for babies, the plane can land itself?, an unplanned trip through South Central, Steve's first Mac tech support call, another allergy near miss, even getting gas can scary in downtown LA, and Dairy Dash.
Podcasts/Sites Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sun, 1 June 2008
This week, school yard sales, our first trip to Chipotle, Bex's new elfin friend, traffic mismanagement in Lexington, return of the obnoxious Yankee fans, a different sort of fire drill, the flea market up in smoke, and Wii Fit.
Podcasts/Sites Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 13 May 2008
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This week, the phantom music cube, rough times at the Natick Collection (surprise, surprise), Maureen causes an international incident, the most stereotypical Gamestop employee ever, Bex's first birthday, TC Lando's, and Mario Kart Wii.
Podcasts/Sites Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Fri, 18 April 2008
Listen now or subscribe to the podcast feed! This week. goodbye to bad doctors, strawberry flavored nitrous oxide, adventures in deep frying (featuring fried pickles), a late night party at BJ's, the Hooters girls of Rhode Island answer the Owl-Phone, claustrophobia and Passover shopping, House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return, and silly season at Yankee Stadium 2.0.
Podcasts/Sites Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sun, 30 March 2008
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This week. an accident on the Mass Pike, arrowroot cookies at all costs, dinner with Barely, accosting Domino's again, "we don't do call-ahead seating any more," and Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters. Links:SOBCon
Podcasts/Sites Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Fri, 7 March 2008
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This week. divots in the driveway, Bacon Salt, the worst parking job ever, Rock Band pricing shenanigans, and Puzzle De Harvest Moon.
Podcasts/Sites Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Wed, 20 February 2008
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This week. conversation hearts as sidewalk chalk, using Maureen's scale and stash for eBay success, bloodthirsty elevators, Bex wrecks J. Crew, smackdown at Gap Baby, Italian Rocky Road is a scam, No More Heroes, and My Dad is Better Than Your Dad.
Podcasts Mentioned: Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sat, 9 February 2008
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This week. we do our best to not discuss the Super Bowl, running to Chick-Fil-A, the battle of the chocolate covered marshmallows, Geometry Wars: Galaxies, and switching to the Mac.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 29 January 2008
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This week. the aftermath of the puking death, when allergies attack, adventures in ordering at Subway, the mystery of the family bathroom, Bex gets along with the characters at Disney World, Baloo meets Baloo, avian cannibalism, and the infamous chicken biscuit.
Music: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sun, 30 December 2007
This week. on an extra special Wicked Good Podcast, frequent guest host ScottyJ fills in for Steve, who was in bed with the puking death. Maureen and ScottyJ discuss the French-Canadian hitchhiker, microfridges, the good post office and the bad post office, lamb down, a trip to the capitol of consumerism, an atypical Hooters waitress, Holland Days is not a sauce, more Rock Band, the Spears family and pregnancy, Worf vs. Chewbacca, and a very Jewish Xmas.
Music: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Thu, 20 December 2007
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This week, we get just a little bit of snow, Dory from Finding Nemo at McDonald's, the road with many names, an ESRB nightmare, Maureen's twin obsessions with Gymboree and Epinions, we rock out with Rock Band, and get temporarily freaked out by a Disney movie.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Thu, 6 December 2007
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This week, Bex's steel cage match, a semi-Canadian Thanksgiving, a less than fortuitous introduction to Ted's Montana Grill, Shaw's ruins Chanukah, Super Mario Galaxy, and a tragedy at Backstone Valley.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sat, 24 November 2007
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This week, equine shenanigans at the fancy lounge at the Natick Collection, feedback from a confused Nigerian "listener", Steve takes on the evil Omaha Steaks telemarketers, the mystery of Le Petit Bistro, adn a love/hate review of The Simpsons Game.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sun, 4 November 2007
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This week, a trip to obtain McDonalds Monopoly pieces results in fisticuffs, the worst pizza ever, whether teenagers know about LOLCats, Maureen nearly gets run off the Mass Pike, attack of the wild Turkeys, and hard-hitting analysis of the Red Sox World Series victory.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Wed, 24 October 2007
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This week, Maureen creates a new word, Bex vs. the telemarketers, the worst fast food ordering experience ever, accuracy at McDonald's, the saga of the warehouse club tires, a Wiimote incident, and a trip to Southwick's Zoo.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 9 October 2007
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This week, a trip trip (not a Tripp Trapp), attempting to fly cross-country with a squirmy baby, near collisions in the supermarket parking lot, our California fast food list, attack of the Wacky Mac, "Snoopy, you have other guests!", Bizarro Disney World (aka Disneyland), our trip to the Expo (even if they wouldn't let Maureen and Bex in), ferrets eat babies, and an apartment in the Providence Place Mall.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Thu, 20 September 2007
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This week, Bex gets pictures and a form letter birth certificate, behind bars in a prison outfit, "Yay" and "Yankees" don't go together, New England free association, road rage at the Natick Collection, Maureen's Mexican birthday meal, Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s, paper facebooks, CameraGate, and Britney's business dealings with Boba Fett.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 11 September 2007
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This week, Steve's not babysitting, unusual debris on route 495, throwing random objects out the window, opinionated license plates, the den of iniquity that is the Auburn Mall, the saddest play place ever, escaping the Pizza Hut parking lot, Brain Age 2, and the opening of the Natick Mall... er, Natick Collection.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 4 September 2007
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This week, ScottyJ joins us to kick our butts to get out a new episode, the Worst. Yard Sale. Ever., our water ice store closes down, stupid Massachusetts laws (real and imaginary), another trip to Hooters, a free meal at VinnyT's, choosing between Swiss and Aged Swiss is not a choice, homemade ice cream, no one stops for baby carriages at the not-discount outlet mall, Guitar Hero II, and Scott's harrowing trip back to New England.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 14 August 2007
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This week, describing potatoes as a person, Steve orders fancy water to not seem cheap, attack of the killer insects, we stumble into an episode of CSI at Wal-Mart, fireworks in the complex, dueling Massholes, the Wizard of Oz and the gold standard, our trip to a Matthew Ebel house party (with weasels!), Mario Strikers Charged, and FunSpot.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 31 July 2007
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This week, songs to hide from thunderstorms by, binge shopping to fill the new freezer, making out like bandits at Target, Bogof the evil elf, the Riders of Lohan, the Weekly World News and other supermarket shenanigans, another babystyle encounter with elitist attitudes, Domino's lies to us, Who Wants To Be A Superhero?, The Bigs, and Hogwarts Square.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Thu, 26 July 2007
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This week, a trip to Jersey, a stop at the mother of all malls, the wonderment of Fatburger, sprreading the joy of Wii (and attempting to prevent injury), Bex's first trip to Hooters, gawking at the Harry Potter superfans at the bookstore, our Cold Stone coupon fiasco, why you can't be an aggressive driver in a Mini Cooper, World Series of Pop Culture, Brothers in Arms, and Connecticut's famous Rein's Deli.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sun, 8 July 2007
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This week, meatloaf gone bad, mosquito breeding grounds at the BK, what the Oreo Sundae Shake really tastes like, antagonizing three year olds for fun and profit, a Wal-Mart that doesn't smell, Best Buy is too good to sell us a freezer, Bex takes a spill while trying to get her picture taken, Maisy buys her friends groceries out of self-defense, Maureen's express review of Ratatouille, a nostalgic trip through Zelda II, and 4th of July celebrations across New England.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 2 July 2007
This week, we encounter disaster at Coinstar while attempting to buy a digital camera, a close encounter with a fellow grocery shopper, "Is she your first?", riding the elevators at the Providence Place Mall, Maureen succumbs to the siren song of Baby Gap, the saddest carnival ever, Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree, and the fall of Hooters in New England.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sun, 17 June 2007
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This week, everyone Googles, yard sale speculation, comedians answering the phone at the pizza shop, the KKK ice cream shop, Steve's concerns about food delivery, why you don't buy tortilla soup on clearance, runing classic cars with horrible paint jobs, Touch the Dead, and the gay marriage vote. Music: Links: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sun, 10 June 2007
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This week, we crash Maureen's five year college reunion, attack of the Baconator, when it's not OK to come over and gawk at our baby, creepy flossing guy in the Stop and Shop parking lot, tilapia from on high, Steve takes care of a fellow dad at GameStop, rock paper scissors doesn't help us decide, an errant diaper throw, Diner Dash, and it's safe to make faces at dogs in Vermont again.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sun, 3 June 2007
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This week, the perils of cluster feeding, the triumphant return of the Wendy's story, don't order the meatball pizza at Subway, worlds collide at the church yard sale, bicyclists with poor choices of route, Steve's rental car is much too advanced, Guild Wars: Factions, and ScottyJ takes a trip to Cheers. Music: Maureen's Animal Crossing Info: Links: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 15 May 2007
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This week, Rachael Ray's assistant goes to Dunkin' Donuts, We suggest how Paris Hilton can stay out of jail, liquid gold, baby gymnastics, the most annoying Babies 'R' Us photographer ever, Super Suppers, Steve hits the jackpot at a yard sale, we're considered "rural delivery", old menus are our undoing, Traveler, Wii-habilitation, Animal Crossing gets profane, and zombies on the march in Cambridge. Music: Links: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Thu, 10 May 2007
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We're back! This week, the introduction of Baby Bex (who makes herself heard throughout the episode), stubbornness at the post office, Steve protests to being called the "baby daddy", we learn disturbing facts about the public beach, "I brought you some pepper", a crazy recycling lady, and a boatload of voicemail. Music: Links: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 7 May 2007
I promise, Wicked Good Podcast #56 is coming; we just need time in between feedings, diaper changes and gas attacks to edit and post it.
In the meantime, I realized that I never posted the new Wicked Good Podcast promo to the feed, so here it is, starring the excellent voice work of Doug Rapson from Geek Acres. |
Thu, 3 May 2007
We're back from the hospital and everyone is doing great! Until we get a chance to record a new show, there's a little bit of Steve and Maureen to tide you over. We recorded an episode of One Minute How To a few weeks ago, on the topic (appropriately enough) How to Find a Nintendo Wii.
You can find the episode here, or subscribe to the One Minute How To feed.
-- posted at: 8:12am EST
Mon, 30 April 2007
So we're not going to be coming out with a show this week; the Marathon footage isn't ready, and we didn't record a regular show this week. As you may have guessed, the reason that we didn't record this week is because our beautiful baby daughter, Rebecca Blair, entered the world on Saturday, April 28th, at 4:44 PM. Mother and baby are doing just fine (aside from the complete lack of internet access at the hospital, of course). You can find pictures of the happy family here: We're hoping to be back on the feed soon. In the meantime, go check out the archives: There's a whole year's worth of Wicked Goodness for you to enjoy!
-- posted at: 5:52pm EST
Tue, 24 April 2007
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This week, 80s baby clothes are in, we run afoul of the Candian postal system, Maureen's parents come to town and refuse to split the check, tableside guacamole, Rube Goldberg bicycles, New England finally unfreezes, more Babies 'R' Us frustrations, big savings at the supermarket, Enviga, a Harvard Square parking fiasco, Super Paper Mario, Mario gets vulgar, and Pizzagate at Fenway Park.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Wed, 18 April 2007
This week, ScottJ joins us yet again, Gloomy Gus the vampiric phlebotomist, gender confusion at the hospital restrooms, more drama at Babies 'R' Us, Supermarket Sweep comes to life, Faux Foodcast, The Swipe, Cake Mania, and Patriot's Day.
Music: Links: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 16 April 2007
No, we didn't have a baby yet. But we did record a new Wicked Good Podcast, and it will be coming out in the next day or so. Our schedule's been thrown off a bit between Patriot's Day and Maureen's family being in town, but we hope to get the show out to you shortly!
-- posted at: 9:09pm EST
Tue, 10 April 2007
This week, Maureen adjusts to maternity leave, a fast food trifecta: Frosty Floats sans root beer, blank looks and hand-me-downs at Subway, and remedial math at McDonalds, no more room at the womb/inn, nesting like a fiend, underwater skateboards, sample size you, everything you wanted to know about Passover but were afraid to ask, why we're not playing Cake Mania for the DS, and Zambonis for a minor league baseball home opener.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 2 April 2007
This week, leave Maureen's Irish twins alone, the breast seminar ever, the full retelling of the Babies 'R' Us registry fiasco, accosted co-workers at the Butcherie, Puzzle Quest is digital crack, and a triumphant return to the flea market.
Music: Links: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 26 March 2007
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 19 March 2007
Music: Links: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 12 March 2007
This week, the saga of Standy McGee and the rigged raffle at Babies 'R' Us, the detail staff at the car wash finds religion, the portable heater "as heard on Paul Harvey news", more stupid game show contestants, Diablo 2, and the Irish food section at the supermarket.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 6 March 2007
This week, ScottJ joins us in the studio once again to discuss: The Year of the Loopipe, we gorge ourselves at Fire + Ice, Stinky Steve, Edgar Allan Poe/Beatles fanfic, why we're not shopping at EBGames anymore, Kitchen Fresh Chicken is neither kitchen fresh nor chicken, Britney's not really dead, what Scott's drivers license and Taco Bell have in common, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, Lumines Plus, and a trip to Harvard Square.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 26 February 2007
This week, Maureen is not a boy, nesting is not a myth, raw meat diets, shredding Dr. Phil, credit card wedding invitations, motorized snot extraction, get that kid a bottle, a step forward in the cold war with Moe's, BFP vs. BFG vs. BFG, kid swearing, when mantises attack, City of Heroes, and climbing the walls at Blackstone Valley.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 20 February 2007
This week, we get a review from an unexpected source, we finally get a legitimate winter storm (but Waltham can't handle it), Steve vs. pointless bureaucracy at the post office, a search and recovery mission for discount candy, we choo-choo-choose you, a very cheeky monkey, impromptu math lessons, we're not the only ones who think ice fishing is crazy, TV baliffs should be seen and not heard, she sells sea snakes by the seashore, Kid Icarus is a lot harder than we thought, and potential for disaster on a Red Sox dating show.
Music: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 12 February 2007
This week, paternity is called into question at Bugaboo Creek, Dr. Phil vs. Maury, locked out of the bank, more mixed Frosty misadventures, Habitrails at the Y, the sixteen year old is not the buyer, can Harry Potter and a baby coexist?, thousands of sea snakes, more 1 vs. 100 stupidity, Twilight Princess lures us back to Zelda (but not the overpriced strategy guide), and a look at the Beanpot.
Music: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 5 February 2007
Music: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 29 January 2007
This week, bringing home a groundhog, averted Amber alerts at Old Navy, the hard sell on the store credit card, disasterous meals out, crazy ice fishers, Trading Spouses, WarioWare: Smooth Moves, and attempting to buy Red Sox tickets.
Music: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 23 January 2007
This week, Join Steve, Maureen and Ajay from All Axis Radio for a full-on Wii geek-out! Of course, it wouldn't be a Wicked Good Podcast without a series of tangents, so we also cover misconceptions about Canada (including fun facts about penguins), literacy in the White House, To Catch a Predator, profane twelve-year-olds on Xbox Live, taking advantage of make-believe animals, we finally get to the bottom of queso, and the most attractive nose blow ever.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 15 January 2007
This week, Steve's mom joins us in the studio, late night trips to the convenience store, whether "tastes like Children's Tylenol" is a compliment or an insult, another ill-fated trip to Friendly's, registering for the Wicked Good Offspring, Snoogles, Heelys frustration, the introduction of Dirty Cat, further proof that most New England pizza sucks, Beatuty and the Geek, and the mayor of Boston attempts to pass some inane video game laws.
Links: Music: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Wed, 3 January 2007
This week, ScottJ returns to the Wicked Good Studio, a Wii-ly big surprise, a triumphant return to Blockbuster, a trio of Wendy's tales, a very nauseous New Year's, Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve, Miis, and boy vs. hawk vs. dachshund in Weston.
Our Wii number is 1961-5098-6642-1898!
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 26 December 2006
This week, we end up Wii-ly disappointed, Bizarro Burger King, Whirley-Pop, braving the mall, "Was Santa good to you?", South Park in the workplace, Identity, Night at the Museum, and candles in windows.
Music: Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Sun, 17 December 2006
Surprise! Clinton from Comedy4cast and his wife Bonnie fill in as part of the New England Podcasting Holiday GiftCast Exchange!
This week, New Englad from the native's perspective, Boston weather in Florida, SOL, "this happens all the time", a walking tour of Logan Airport, Stormtrooper Speedos and Spidey suicides, and pirate dice.
Music: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England href="" rel="tag">Giftcast Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 11 December 2006
This week, surprise snow, being stereotypical Jews on Xmas, Papa John's gets on our bad side, big money with no whammies at the supermarket, why is the drive thru at Dunkin' Donuts so crowded?, pumping gas in small town America, a triumphant return to our alma mater, Scrubs, Diner Dash 2, and Massachusetts is not its own country for tax evasion purposes.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 5 December 2006
This week, snow (sorta), Steve doesn't work in the cradle of the industrial revolution, Maureen's get rich quick scheme of the week, nine months pregnant and camping for a PS3, ATM graffiti, Lindsey Lohan needs a tutor, how not to make a mall upscale, cilantro salsa, dementors on The Office, Elite Beat Agents, and the inside scoop on the PS3 shooting in Connecticut.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Wed, 29 November 2006
This week, CheapTickets lives up to its name, human-robot interaction, expectant mothers should not ride, the scourge of Heelies, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater comes to life, dining in the World, Keys to the Kingdom, bad acting at Sea World, we're blown away by alcohol in the grocery store, cilantro salsa, the McRib farewell tour, crazy Florida news, we take our lives in our hands driving through the Big Dig, and Ajay from All Axis Radio gives us a field report from Wii-Day.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 14 November 2006
This week, cutting-edge analysis of the Britney/K-Fed divorce, vote or die (literally), Google Maps attempts to assassinate Steve, cartoon C-Sections, credit card shenanigans, evil equine robots, the Dr. Phil scam, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and a Mass judge takes up the life-altering decision of whether or not a burrito is a sandwich.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Tue, 7 November 2006
his week, farewell to a fellow podcaster, Borat lures us to the movies, Dunkin' Donuts is the bee's knees, overenthusiastic can drives, 1 vs. 100, Shopmania, and election madness.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 30 October 2006
This week, friends don't let friends order McDonald's breakfast, no Nigerian scammers at Longhorn, Steve's new restaurant pet peeve, Halloween goodies, Discount Candy Day!, and we take a trip to historic Quincy Market.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 23 October 2006
This week, a "minor" announcement, more misadventures at Best Buy, we discover the Boston Globe's customer service policy, in here every day is not Friday, 31 flavors but Maureen only wants one, Quiznos muscles out the little guy, explaining Trading Spouses, working out with Dance Dance Revolution: Supernova, and could they really be getting rid of tolls on the Mass Pike?
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England Feedback: Feel free to e-mail us at WickedGoodPodcast|at| or call us at 206-600-MASS(6277)! |
Mon, 16 October 2006
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England |
Mon, 9 October 2006
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Massachusetts New England |
Mon, 25 September 2006
This week, Happy New Year!; Whole Foods isn't winning any spelling bees, customer service misadventures at Applebees; the slowest Friendly's in the world; a rapid-fire Tivo roundup, featuring The Amazing Race, Survivor, My Name is Earl, The Office, and People's Court; Harvest Moon DS makes farming fun; and idiot politicians are trying to get rid of the Citgo sign in Kenmore Square.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Masachusetts New England |
Mon, 18 September 2006
This week, a birthday surprise for Maureen, adventures with Steve's Hebrew Red Sox shirt, we fall off the wagon at Taco Bell, why Steve likes to bag his own groceries, Wholly Cannoli, our Tivo goes to a better place, Survivor advances race relations, we love The Office, Zuma + iPod = happiness, and our quest for good Mexican food in New England finally comes to an end.
Podcasts Mentioned (Holy cow, that's a lotta podcasts!):
"What's a Tivo" by Lex Friedman Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Masachusetts New England |
Tue, 12 September 2006
This week, are you ready for some football?, Maureen figures out how to get Big Macs without going to McDonald's, Dionne Warwick must work at our sandwich shop, making friends at the alma mater, fun with the LA government, The Office and conflicts in the fall schedule, and Steve sits with Shelly from Shelly's Podcast at Podcamp Boston. Plus: More '60s teen magazine goodness!
Podcasts Mentioned:
Outro Music: "Remember Hope" by Farewell Redemption
Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Masachusetts New England |
Tue, 5 September 2006
This week, we have a special guest in the studio, thanks for nominating us for a Podcast Peers Award, we can't get the door for Domino's, fancy ramen, deep-fried Twinkies, what were they thinking?: real estate edition, Maureen finds teen magazines from the Sixties, cooking shows + HD = heaven, Steve finds his video game White Whale, and a Boston vacah-bulary test.
Podcasts Mentioned:
The Samples
Intro Music: "Pocketbook" by Derek K Miller Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Masachusetts New England |
Thu, 24 August 2006
On a special episode spanning two evenings, snack food proves why fire drills are pointless, a trip to the other Moe's, Coinstar saves the day, what Britney Spears' baby and Donald Duck have in common, constant coverage of the Ramsey case, and the second coming of the Boston Massacre.
Podcasts mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Masachusetts New England |
Tue, 15 August 2006
This week, Steve can't count, we're featured in the Mep Report podcast quiz, vanilla Frostys, 43 things not to do at McDonald's, a run-in at Moe's, we experience the Melting Pot, Last Comic Standing meets a merciful end, Maureen's pants travel, monkeys in balls have an adventure, and we indulge in Massachusetts' tax holiday.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Masachusetts New England |
Mon, 7 August 2006
This week, Maureen's mom may or may not have landed safely, goodbye to Zee and Zed, near-brawl at the thrift shop, no good deed goes acknowledged, taking home a souvenier from the science museum, we reveal the REAL reason why Last Comic Standing is disappointing this season, Maureen's Netflix roundup, and a trip to Kelly's Roast Beef (a New England establishment), and Gordon Ramsay at the Outback Steeakhouse.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Masachusetts New England |
Thu, 3 August 2006
This week, Steve avoids another traumatic trip to the Genius Bar, Maureen's mom comes to the Wicked Good Compound (but elects not to rock the mic), the Little Linguist rears its ugly head, Last Comic Standing, Saint Ralph, Maureen goes manic for cakes, send us to Custy's, jimmies vs. sprinkles, the pros and cons of In-N-Out, and the man purse debate returns, yet again.
Podcasts Mentioned: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Masachusetts New England |
Sun, 30 July 2006
Music: Technorati Tags: Podcasts Boston Masachusetts New England |
Mon, 24 July 2006
This week, the cell phone telemarketer saga continues, a disasterous attempt to support local business, reality TV roundup, fast food goodness, and the man purse debate refuses to die.
"Save Me Now" by Casey Desmond
Podcasts Mentioned:
Extra Points |
Mon, 17 July 2006
This week, we have a canine guest in the studio, tracking down a rogue eBay package, the Roomba embarks on its maiden voyage, another round of the Wicked Good Podcast vs. the Boston Globe, Cold Stone smoothies, the NE Podcasters indoor barbecue, trying on jeans for movie tickets, more grilling excitement, more Last Comic Standing and America's Got Talent goodness, and the Big Dig is falling down.
Podcasts Mentioned: |
Tue, 11 July 2006
This week, we thank you for all your support, the six-hour Sox game, Maureen thinks Steve needs a man-purse, switching cell phone companies, Stranger Danger, Mrs. Dash needs salt, Soy Vey, amateur night at Quiznos, Dr. Judy lays the smackdown, and inferior New England hot dog buns.
Podcasts Mentioned: |
Tue, 4 July 2006
Podcasts Mentioned:
Redboy |
Tue, 27 June 2006
This week, the rain needs to go AWAY, memories of our horrible first apartment, we clean up at the video game sale (and do a good deed in the process), the horrible games we played when we were younger because we didn't know any better, we have a cow at Chick-Fil-A, the Random Tivo Moment's got talent, we get Revenge on Burnout, and weigh in on the Great Fluffernutter Debate.
Links: Circuit City Video Game Sale (registration required)
Podcasts Mentioned: |
Tue, 20 June 2006
This week, desperate times call for dentist measures, Maureen goes duck feeding Hitchcock style, the hunt for Atari controllers continues, coupon complications confound, the Random Tivo Moment provides a cornucopia of reality goodness, Big Brain Academy, and a trip to see the Boston Cannons.
"The Ballad of Barry Allen" by Jim's Big Ego, courtesy of the Podsafe Music
Podcasts Mentioned:
Mon, 12 June 2006
This week, Moe's is a rare disappointment, another successful grilling expedition, excitement at
the new supermarket, Steve's brush with death in the crosswalk, toxic toys for kids, a vintage
gamer's treasure trove, Steve's 5-year reunion post-game breakdown (with friends Dan and Scott
J), the Wicked Good Household vs. the Boston Globe, the Random Tivo Moment is the Last Comic
Standing, and we have a wicked good time at Newbury Comics.
"Underdog" by Anne Heaton, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network
Podcasts Mentioned: |
Mon, 5 June 2006
This week, we get more rain (you know, because we need it); cordless jump ropes; snipe hunts; get out of my radio, get out of my car; drama at the Outback; Choo Choo Soul; the Price is Right for the Random Tivo Moment; and New England runs on Dunkin'.
Podcasts Mentioned: |
Tue, 30 May 2006
This week, we triumphantly return to Outback and subsequently avoid KFC, dog attacks and the Wizard, air fries, Steve impresses the flea market vendor with his geek cred, an unpleasant experiences at the mexican restaurant, the Random Tivo Moment gets Lost, New Super Mario Bros., maple candy, and 4 questions from Greg from 5 Questions.
Podcasts Mentioned: |
Mon, 22 May 2006
This week, thanks for the concern about the flooding, how one overturned tanker can derail the entire state, Moe knows not to lie down in front of the door, we are presented with yet another opportunity to rip off the church (and decline), another wonderful Radio Shack customer service experience, we finally buy a barbecue, the Force is not with the flea market, we spend 24 Hours on Craigslist, have a Karaoke Revolution Party, and ride the T. Links: Songs:
Podcasts Mentioned: E-mail us at or call us at 206-600-6277! |
Tue, 16 May 2006
This week, we come across creepy Mother's Day gifts, the rain needs to go away, Phantom Gourmet makes us masochistically hungry, the mother of all yard sales, why the fat guy on Lost is still fat, summer TV shows we're looking forward to, psycho rat poison retailation and self-destructing Snapple bottles, a report from the New England Podcasting meet-up, the Random Tivo Moment gets supersized, Console Battle 2K6 erupts, and New England drivers manage to be worse in the rain.
"The One Who Knows" by The Retrogrades
Podcasts Mentioned: |
Mon, 8 May 2006
This week, we apologize for sniffling and allergies, the good kind of indoor yard sales, Cinco De Moe's, more retail misadventures, BJs and plagiarism, Maureen's one-minute Netflix reviews, dirty rotten cheaters, and the Yankees come to town.
Song: "Waste Another Night" by My Little Radio, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network Audio Pandemic |
Mon, 1 May 2006
This week, live from the brand new sofa, Father Ted and board games, the crazy singing guy, more tweens in the park: "I use mine every day", just say no to indoor yard sales, help us change Jon Papelbon's entrance music, Steve hates cilantro (and he's not alone!), we get reviewed, an update on the weight loss challenge, pinball and feudal Japan: two great tastes that taste great together, and we go bowling New England style.
To Join the Papelbon Entrance Music Campaign: Email Gordon Edes, the globe's beat writer at Song: "La Dee Da", by Hector on Stilts, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network Links:
Podcasts Mentioned: |